How it works! From a common man.

How a boutique fuses changes the sound in a piece of equipment, and how (at least) one became directional.

How they made it directional. Yes SOME, very few, are made that way. I'll Explain what I found.
Why it works or NOT. This is NOT a fuse shoot out.  This is a, "WHY it works", Not "it just does", session. LOL

Everyone is welcome to help me figure out why it works, BUT why it doesn't, with a reason, is VERY welcome.

No name callin'.  Don't call folks liars, just state your personal learning extravaganza, HOW, and WHY.

We'll figure out WHY, and HOW it effects something.. Cause and Effect. NO PSYCHOBABBLE.

Big words hurt my head, keep it simple for us common folks if you would please.

I promise to be on my best behavior, maybe. :-)
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Well first there's fuses made of beeswax or whatever, about a bazillion different types, some of which might really not be directional. So it makes it kinda hard to talk about anything like this without getting into specifics.  

Its actually pretty easy to think of a way a totally normal looking fuse can be made to sound a whole lot better. Everyone who has tried it knows a dab of TC will improve the sound of just about anything. Well, every SR fuse Blue or Orange, they all have a little circle with a dab of some gray gook on there- and instructions to NOT remove it! The same gray gook is also on the screw terminals of their Blue and Orange AC outlets. Hmmmm....
Nuclear never seize, Graphene, diamond dust (2000), Rislone and, Everclear (180) something close. I break the graphene down and go from there. I dry my concoction with a low heat heat-gun. It stays tacky.
Never corrodes, I’ll tell you that.

BUT it can NEVER drip.. ok.. NEVER.. That is a no, no. Your mix is way off.

That concoction needs to set, and let the 180 evap, ay.. Then a heat gun.. LOW heat, (hair dryer).

To much rislone, or NNS. Its at least 50% graphene. Which is how many more times conductive than say, ANYthing else?

Diamond dust, a cutter, binder an seating compound, VERY little. SUPER insulative. Just the opposite of Graphene. It also causes the graphene to layer thicker, at least the thickness of the dust. You can get 1500 or 1000 too, for a thicker surface layer...

BE CAREFUL... All this stuff is pretty potent... 180.. proof. or poof, be careful..

I've always thought that there's no way in hell that both ends of the melt wire are connected in the exact same manner to the insides of the end caps.

Because of assembly line automation, you'd have one kind of attachment point with the first end cap and as the final end cap is attached, another method. 

It would be secure but different. That could account for the diode effect.
Pure speculation but what the hey?

All the best,
I knew this could be figured out. AND some take advantage of that VERY slight flaw. AND take it a step further.. Wrap with a tapered wire. That’s what got me..

What put me on to this was all the old bussman SBs, blew in the middle. I took me a while to figure that one...

THERE IS NO DIRECTION... LOL Never one end or the other, only the middle... The wrap failure would always be VERY close to the middle... WHY.. No direction in them, sound may not change, only the settling effect of a new fuse.

Put graphene paste on the fuse tips and CLEAN the fuse holder or swap it to a pure silver one. See what happens. Not plated, pure silver. It changes because of the BETTER conductive surfaces, on the fuse because of the paste, and holder because of the material it's made from, silver.
