How it works! From a common man.

How a boutique fuses changes the sound in a piece of equipment, and how (at least) one became directional.

How they made it directional. Yes SOME, very few, are made that way. I'll Explain what I found.
Why it works or NOT. This is NOT a fuse shoot out.  This is a, "WHY it works", Not "it just does", session. LOL

Everyone is welcome to help me figure out why it works, BUT why it doesn't, with a reason, is VERY welcome.

No name callin'.  Don't call folks liars, just state your personal learning extravaganza, HOW, and WHY.

We'll figure out WHY, and HOW it effects something.. Cause and Effect. NO PSYCHOBABBLE.

Big words hurt my head, keep it simple for us common folks if you would please.

I promise to be on my best behavior, maybe. :-)
Post removed 
I may not look so good, my kids are scared of me and my wife left me 2 weeks ago.

What's the downside?
Rislone, will clean any type of metal surface, DEAP. It is conductive, it is some type of oil (mystery blend). If you just wipe a rusty surface with it it will start to loosen EVERYTHING. Something stuck in a bore, unless it's welded, USUALLY I can get it loose again.. It won't dry up. It's OLD. It smells good. :-)

It's close to 50/50 50% graphene and 50% of the other in close to equal parts, EXEPT the diamond dust VERY little. Just enough 180 to thin it. BOTTLE and cap. A very little bit goes a long long ways. NO DRIPS!

No it is not guaranteed to do anything but cost you money.. BUT it worked for me quite well.

The never seize can be subbed for wolfer coat. Same or close just a German product. EXPENSIVE. 50-80.00 USD a tube (grease tube) 
