wolfie62108 posts11-16-2020 9:50pm
The Emperor has no clothes!
I’ll leave out the rest of your post. I want to give some of it back (if you don’t mind). You’ve post so few time and you have to knock on this door..LOL. It’s just fine come on in..
Jack Harrier wrote a version of that. RIP BUT there was no name callin’,
I enjoy everyone’s input, in spite of the delivery. You CAN make your point without insult.
I see you as an intelligent person. Note: intelli "GENT". I only ask as a courtesy to everyone.. Please be a Gentleman, and share if you don’t mind. Keep in mind, I’m not, anything but a common person, with a ’tinkers" passion.
I can stand corrected, with a humble attitude. But the insults, can I please return them to their rightful owner? A gift none the less but one I choose to return.. Thankyou it’s the thought that counts.
With great regard and respect... Teach me.. WHY does it work?
NOT it does not. I gave you a reason why, it act directional, I gave you the reasoning why and HOW the concoction, becomes thinner and thinner, for a lack of a better term. How it sounds different, how it changes.. BETTER is not the term I wanted to convey, DIFFERENT is. It was better to me.. maybe not others. everyone is different..
It is GRAPHENE, and Graphite, in the NNS, copper, lead, molyb, teflon, and few other things..
Don’t call folks liars, it’s RUDE, if you don’t mind. You can have that back too.. thanks though..
I didn’t ask what you were taught. I ask what YOU LEARNED, from what you were taught. The earth, was flat too, at one time. REPETE, that was not what I was looking for, but thanks none the less. It’s not like it hasn’t been said before. The question is, will anyone respond other than to feel insulted? Me, no one can get my goat.. I already have one.. Buy your own...My buddies name is Bill, I’m sure YOU would get along just fine. HE ATE MY HAT......:-0
Just a common fella.. Fella!