How Long Ago Since You Cried Listening To Music?

For me is was last weekend, The group "Sugarland" singing "Stay".
Coltrane's Alabama, and Simon and Garfunkel singing The Boxer will always bring out the tears- very few other songs have or will, but these two will almost every time I hear them.
Why am I reviving an old thread, not sure but I remembered reading this thread a few weeks ago.

Anyway, for some reason when I sing the national anthem I have to watch it because a get a frog in my throat.
I can honestly say I can never recall listening to a stereo system and openly bawling so I feel quite relieved that my testosterone level is where it should be but then again I have shed a tear or two listening to live performances, two I can think of offhand, a husband and wife team performing the solo violin/viola parts of the 2nd movement of Mozart's concertina for Violin/Viola K 364 and a performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony with a 150 piece choir and orchestra, that one I had to fight back the tears from streaming it was so overwhelming a performance and I was not alone.

Please TP tell me I don't qualify for girlieman, I gotta know! :)
TG, you is what you is and that's all that you is, or something like that !!!!! Get those tears on brother.