how long can you leave a CDP on 'pause'?

I suppose if I had a clear-top loading player I could see if it's spinning while paused... but I don't.
good question - I learned something (that I suspected but confirmed here) thanks for asking
Wow - I think some people started Monday a little early. I don't think it's a dumb question at all. As has already been pointed out, some players will power down the transport and I suspect that other players may power down the laser after a brief period. Of course the only way to know this unless it's documented in the manual is to ask the manufacturer. Someone who has your model of CDP might also know but you would need to tell us the model of your player.

Personally I try not to leave my Rega on pause for more than 30 min or so but I worry about the laser more than the transport.

This is a tough crowd. The guy asks a completely reasonable question--as is usually the case, he 'thinks' he knows the answer and is completely up front, and everybody jumps him.
I wondered this for a while myself.
My recommendation is to just hit stop, remember the chapter and time, and go back and reastart.
I apologize for the overzealous of us on this site.
