How long should a cartridge last?

I have a Shelter 501 that started acting up (skipping...I also didn't set my new arm up properly). The folks at The Analog Room said I needed a new cartridge, which I just got. So, my first Shelter lasted about 3 and a half years and saw very regular use, perhaps an hour a day, maybe more (on average). Still, I was surprised it went kaput so fast. Do folks typically just buy a new cartridge (as my dealer recommended) or just get a new stylus? I did not quite understand the explanation...the "suspension when out"...I could call my dealer and ask again, but I thought I would post here and see what other folks might say.
>>09-18-10: Oilmanmojo
IMO, too high or too low on vtf will cause problems<<

Actually more damage occurs if VTF is too light than too heavy.

Many folks find that counterintuitive, but it's a fact.
"Also "dropping" the cartridge down on the record will stress the suspension. "

Do you guys guide the cue slowly until the stylus hits the record ? I usually drop mine and let the hydraulics take the stylus down slowly to the record. Is this something i should correct ?
Audiofiel--totally agree with ur statement. My reference about the UNIverse cartridge is it performs better on the lighter side. But it is within manufacture acceptable range
Too light VTF indeed results in more damage to the record(s).
Too high VTF decreases the "estimated life-span" of the cantilever's suspension.
Then there is the "goldene Mitte" .....