How loud are you typically listening?

Typically 75 to 80dB.  Really loud is 90dB and I'm never over, and I mean never, 95dB.  I'm using a professional SPL meter, C weighted, slow response.  Just curious.
Typically 80 to 85dB. Sometimes loader up to 90-95dB.
Late night 65-70dB.
Depends from kind of music and if other family members are in home :-)
Warning, you don’t have to listen like you’re replicating the old memorex poster. It’s bad for your ears. 65db is loud enough. 
Music is therapy. Concerts can be therapeutic.
When i therapeutically need Rip This Joint or Communication Breakdown the decibel level is irrelevant ...however many db that ends up being.
Time is best kept short at those levels, and I’m thrilled to learn that I have about 3-4 hours before I hit the auditory danger zone (admittedly, I fell asleep one night with a  bluray edition of Close To The Edge c/w  extras clocking over 6 hours.....ears rang for days but equilibrium was regained...!)
Standing waves are my main limiting factor when twisting that dial....
Just turned it way down and it went under 100db.
I enjoy it louder and never have had an ear problem. I will probably keep it less loud going forward.  Thanks for the post.
low volume for me, not sure why audiophiles like loud. 
I am about to build a  david Louis 10 inch full range + titanium tweet, now i can add a  bit more gain. 
My Thors sound great but need a  larger room size for added gain. My Thors will match any speaker under $2k, but I'm betting my new project of Davidlouis full range will beat out the Thors, so I can add some gain and still not sound aggessive in my smallish room 10X12 8 ft ceiling. 
But loud? Why? whats the point. There is a threshold where audiophiles go over, not sure why? whats the point <<loud>>????