how make your speker faster

speakers AYON DRAGON-S
How i can make that speaker a little "faster" or more dynamic ?
Does some sort of spikes will help to move the sound in the direction of faster ?
Are any other method maybe help here like the vertical angle of the speaker?
An experiences or suggestions ?


Speed is not just a speaker thing, it's a system thing and if the system sounds fast it probably isn't fast. A fast system should be able to accurately track the music.
Speed, attack, dynamics, pratt... what ever you want to call it, is a function of the amplifier. No doubt tight clean bass helps with the impression of speed, but overall its the amp.
With this description, the only power amp that comes to mind is one that uses bipolar output transistors, instead of mosfet outputs.
You may be experiencing dynamic compression. The louder the system the more the sound may tend to smear. On better systems, short of running out of amplifier power the sound will just get louder.

Subjectively, too much bass response will tend to make a system sound slower. You may consider adjusting speake location to get a better balance.