How many CD/LPs do you need?

At one time I had alot of CDs...maybe about 3000. I came to the conclusion that I would never listen to many of them, so I sold alot of them, but still, I was looking through my collection, and I have more than I could ever listen to in a lifetime. I was thinking, if I had 100 great CDs, I couuld listen to one per week, thoroughly, and never listen to the same thing in a 2 year span. Right now I am holding steady at 500 and now, every new addition has to be golden, where I love it and every song on it.

What about you?
I have maybe 2k cds at the moment and have culled perhaps another 1k. Lps about 1200 and have culled(sadly) another 600. The quest goes on for more as well as the culling. Funny how the lp titles I have passed on I miss far more than the cd titles I've let go(must be the memories of my youth). Anyhow, collecting is an obsession with me so the answer is the need goes on.If For some reason I was forced to stop I would have a serious "jones". Cheers, Lee
You know the difference between an audiophile and a music lover? A music lover's record (CD) collection is worth more than his stereo system. (I'm afraid I'm still an audiophile, but I'm working on fixing that).