How many LP's do you own? How long did it take?

I started to collect vinyl in the late 80's, after it was demonstrated to me (to my ears) that vinyl sounded better than cds. I was fortunate at the time that people were dumping their vinyl collections. I was able to buy great LP's in mint condiiton for .10 cents each or so at garage sales...My have things hve changed. The vast majority of LPs I buy now are new and cost between $14 to $50 bucks each. Used LP'P's can go for more if its rare. So, how many LP's do you own and how long did it take you to amass your collection? I currently have about 2000 LPs.
About 7,000+, started in or around '85. Would have more if I still had records from the disco days.
Experience taught me that Raul is right. So I stopped accumulating LPs once I reached ~2000. It took my 35 years to get there. Of course I do buy an LP or two here and there these days. I would guesstimate that no more than 100 LPs get 90% of the playing time. And I refuse to be a record collector. I have a close friend with 7000; I can borrow any of his LPs, any time.
Buconero, please put me in your will. Explain to your family that even though you and I have never met, your music will be going to a good home.


A little bit of an aside, but having the majority of my music digitized and stored on a computer hard drive got me beyond the I only listen to "X" number of albums. Organizing music by several different categories into playlists and the random play feature have transformed how I access my music collection. It also avoids the am I going to listen to a record or CD issue.

I have less than 2,500 records. The first purchase was The Supremes "Where Did Our Love Go", an album that I still rate very highly.
I own about 3000 and started in the 70is. But my testes or
preferences changed considerable during the time. I hardly
ever listen to symphonies any more while the chamber music
and songs (Lieder)are at present my primary enjoyment. So I
actually play about 100 of them. At present I buy only occasionaly some SACD's.