How many LP's do you own? How long did it take?

I started to collect vinyl in the late 80's, after it was demonstrated to me (to my ears) that vinyl sounded better than cds. I was fortunate at the time that people were dumping their vinyl collections. I was able to buy great LP's in mint condiiton for .10 cents each or so at garage sales...My have things hve changed. The vast majority of LPs I buy now are new and cost between $14 to $50 bucks each. Used LP'P's can go for more if its rare. So, how many LP's do you own and how long did it take you to amass your collection? I currently have about 2000 LPs.
Buconero, please put me in your will. Explain to your family that even though you and I have never met, your music will be going to a good home.


A little bit of an aside, but having the majority of my music digitized and stored on a computer hard drive got me beyond the I only listen to "X" number of albums. Organizing music by several different categories into playlists and the random play feature have transformed how I access my music collection. It also avoids the am I going to listen to a record or CD issue.

I have less than 2,500 records. The first purchase was The Supremes "Where Did Our Love Go", an album that I still rate very highly.
I own about 3000 and started in the 70is. But my testes or
preferences changed considerable during the time. I hardly
ever listen to symphonies any more while the chamber music
and songs (Lieder)are at present my primary enjoyment. So I
actually play about 100 of them. At present I buy only occasionaly some SACD's.
I have about 5000, I started in the late 60's. I started buying used in the middle 1980's as large numbers of people began dumping their record collections at that time. Once I got my hands on a VPI 16.5, which I still have, my search for used really took off. I had days where I'd find 100+ at a time.

The supply of used records today, at least what I collect, is only a fraction of what it was in the late 1980's. As time went by my efforts began to pay off less and less. Perhaps many of the record collectors from the 1950's and 1960's, the music I focused on, had either passed on or had unloaded their collections as by the late 1990's the search was no longer worth my time.

Today I'll buy some reissues and an occasional title on Ebay. Some of the collectable records that were very expensive in 1990 have dropped in value and are much more affordable.
Like Lewn i have approx. 2000 LP's and that is way too many. Indeed, only a selected 10% (or fewer) get play time. I still buy audiophile LP's here and there but nothing more. I don't do yard sale or estate sale so that i can cram 8000 LP's in my basement that i will never play. I refuse to be a record hoarder. All my 2000 LP's have been played at least once although many have not played in over 30 years. Bought my 1st LP in 1978. It was Deep Purple Made in Japan. What an album. I got into Jazz 15 years ago and this is what i listen to now. I have about 700 Jazz LP's. Also have some Hirez download on my Mac but that is very small in comparison to my LP collection.

For those who knew Jeff Healy (RIP), he was a Jazz fanatic and had amassed a collection of 28,000 78 rpm Jazz album from the 20's to the 40's in just over 20 years. He was an avid trumpet player as well.