how many own Belles Virtuoso amp and preamp? and what's your experience?

The brand Belles is seldom heard in today's audio world. I believe the company produces quality products. I own a dual 200 watt Virtuoso amp  and an Aria preamp. So far, I liked them very much. The Virtuoso amp is not listed in their website, their integrated is. . My question today is does any audiophile owns a virtuoso product and what is your experience? How about other Belles products? What has been your experience?


I’m thinking about an integrated amp (simplifying the system) and remember the Belles name from some time ago. But I’ve read a couple of complaints about servicing. Any comments on that?


I have never had an issue with Belles. They replaced my preamp remote after they discovered a problem with a batch that they got, at no charge.

The main reason I chose them is for the sound they make with my Vandy VLR's. I tried the Atmasphere Class D's, but they just  didn't 'sparkle' like the Belles. My Aria Monoblocks and Signature Preamp have never had an issue after 2 years of daily use.


Big Belles fan…Have a newer Belles Aria Signature dual mono preamp feeding Belles MB-200 mono blocks. Almost bought the newer Aria dual mono amp, but didn’t want to wait, so bought the MB-200’s right after my beloved old Belles 400A took a dump in the power input section….still have it, and may get it repaired someday. Great old amp.

No, David does not do a good job keeping his web site up to date with newer models available. Best to contact Johnny at Audio Connection to get the latest offerings available, and given time, all are somewhat customizable if work through someone like Johnny.

Have heard and enjoyed Belles integrated line. However, when I was looking to buy one of the new units a few months back I was dissuaded against  it by 2 different dealers over recent issues with reliability and  service.  In discussing the situation, the inference was that Belles is a one man shop and due to age or increasing business, units were not being produced with historical reliability. Because I live 3800+ miles from service I elected not to go with Belles as I buy new for warranty and reliability as round trip shipping is a killer. The situation may differ if you are buying a used, reliable unit in the continental US. I just chose to avoid that risk. You might want to check in with John at Audio Connection in NJ. He is Belles Defacto marketing and customer service mouthpiece. I don't want to be unfair to PMI if other things are going on.