How much burn-in for Soliloquy 5.3s


I recently purchased a demo pair of Soliloquy 5.3s, which I figured might have enough hours on them (dealer said he thought they had about 50 hrs) to sound reasonably good out of the box. Wrong! They sound absolutely horrible; very compressed, bass muddy and distant, treble subdued to the point of being almost not existant. At one point I actually thought the tweeter was nonfunctional since I could barely hear any extension at all. I hope I didn't make a big mistake. Anyway, I am hoping that folks out there with experience with these might be able shed some light (sound!) on what I can expect.
I am using Signal Cable bi-wires (probably will switch to their new line of silver), Quicksilver IC's, driven by Quicksilver Mini Mono's. Still breaking in, but every few days gets better. Wonderful speakers. Positioning is also very important with Soliloquy's. Most people suggest at least 2-3' off of the back wall, and with a slight toe-in.

hehe. Jax2's post above got me interested since my speakers were bought and stamped between 2/16/2004 and 2/25/2004 or so.

I have Frankenstein's! My drivers are the new ones in the picture. I did look at some pics of the older 5.3s and sure enough, Jax2 is right that the drivers used to be all-black without the silver metal ring structure like the new ones in the picture.

There is an audiogon add with a guy selling maple Frankenstein's built in March so I guess several of the 5.3 cabinets from 2003 were mated with the new guts of 2004. My cabinets are English Cherry which I love but aren't available for the regular "i" models.

Whatever the answer is, I really enjoy the speakers immensely and thats what counts. Looks like all my drivers in all 5 speakers are the new ones BTW, and they sound quite matched. I do see my instruction manual says 5.3i, c-3i and sat5i, so perhaps thats that.

To Cody the cat- I guess I can't compare so well to the 1999 models you have, but while the bass break in time is quite lengthy I think, your description of the treble/tweeter raises my eyebrow a bit. It just doesn't sound right. Might compare to another Soliloquy 5.3 set and see. Check adds, stores, friends, perhaps call Soliloquy and ask where you can hear some in your area. And try that Gentle ocean CD at low volume for 24 hours-- worked well for me.
Yes, the story was that Soliloquy ran out of drivers, but still had some of the older cabinets with squared off corners (non-i). So for those remainders and some of the B-stocks offered by them and their dealers (Underwood amongh others) they combined the older cabinets with the guts from the new i version. I would assume the crossover is also the newer version, but one would have to confirm that with Soliloquy. The new cabinets have rounded corners, and are made from slightly thicker MDF materials (I believe they are 1.25 inch as oppsed to 1 inch). Don't know if this was a line being fed to a friend of mine who got one of those Frankenstein versions, but he actually phoned Soliloquy to get the scoop from them after receiving it. They told him the squared off version of the cabinets were actually more difficult and expensive to build. I'd find that difficult to believe, but I'm no woodworker either. Obviously they believe their new drivers and crossover to be superior in some ways to the older stuff. I have not done an A/B with my friend, but may try it some day. Great speakers either way!

Cody, I got the 6.3's last September. I've got a tuner and had them going for 4 weeks 24/7. It took longer than that for the sound to really fill out. I use Purist Musaeus Shotgun BiWire for my speaker cables. They work very well in my system.
Cody, I believe that David Berman the owner of Soliloquy recommended Analysis Plus products because of the synergy generated with the internal wiring of his speakers being Analysis Plus. I switched my speaker cables to AP as well as my interconnects. I am now using AP Solo Crystal interconnects instead of my Nordost Red Dawns. They just sounded better with my speakers. David Berman also said that I should try Analysis Plus Silver Oval speaker cable for the Tweeter and Mids. He likes silver for the tweeter and mids and copper cables for the bass. Jim