I'm sure the Herron phono stage is great. It's also $1000 more than my already stretched budget will allow. (And as others on this thread have already suggested, even the Manley may be more than I need for my current set-up.)
Anyway, thanks for your input. I hope that asking the question I asked didn't somehow imply that I care more about an allegiance to tubes than to the music. That's not at all the case. I'm trying to build a good system that I can eventually just forget about and enjoy my albums.
The OP has his mind set on all tubes. Others have their mind set on features. Or whatever.I'm actually very much interested in the music above all else. (Aren't we all?) I'm not a gearhead and I have no means of doing comparisons between high-end components, as I live in a small city with no access to the equipment discussed here. I drove 1000 miles to audition my amplifier and speakers and I'm glad I did, but it's not always possible. Hence, I rely on these forums for information, with the understanding that others' opinions may not always mesh with my listening preferences. I'm not stubbornly set on tubes for arbitrary reasons, it's just that my amp is a tube amp and I really love it. (For how it translates the music!) By logical extension I figured a tube phono stage would share the attributes that I like in my amp. Again, I wasn't looking for specific recommendations, I was really just looking for a nudge from this community, some assurance that a big investment in a new phono stage wouldn't simply produce nominal results by comparison to my current, less expensive phono stage. I don't want to be underwhelmed after spending $2500.
For those with their mind set on music, and especially for those musically minded listeners willing to listen and decide for themselves
I'm sure the Herron phono stage is great. It's also $1000 more than my already stretched budget will allow. (And as others on this thread have already suggested, even the Manley may be more than I need for my current set-up.)
Anyway, thanks for your input. I hope that asking the question I asked didn't somehow imply that I care more about an allegiance to tubes than to the music. That's not at all the case. I'm trying to build a good system that I can eventually just forget about and enjoy my albums.