How much does your system retail for?

$23,000 - $24,000 I estimate. (Two channel, this does not include TV, VCR, etc.)

Please, keep the exagerations to a minumum, do not count CD's, equipment you have bought and sold, is packed away that you don't use anymore, etc..

Put the total first so it shows up at the begining of your post.

This is just for fun and curiosity of the diversity on here, don't take it to seriously. Simply evaluate what the retail value of your system is.
My first post here. Uhh...$8125. Much of this stuff is from the 80's, and the prices are all retail at the time when new.

Infinity RSIIb speakers (1985) $3100. pair
Quicksilver Mini Mono tube amps. (2001) $1100. pair
Belles One 100 wpc amp. (1986) $700.
VTL Minimal preamp (1987?) $800.
Softone Model 3 CD player (2006) $1500.
Pro-Ject turntable (1997) $375.
All interconnects/wire (mostly new) $550.

I'm pretty happy with this system. I will upgrade the Belles for better bass response and need a larger room to fully realise the speakers potential. -Ethan
Well, the price of my system has come way down and the enjoyment factor has gone way up. Long story.......I am now under 7K retail.
Enough that my wife would be shocked dismayed and disappointed if she knew; about 15k but I spent over 20k to get to this point. Fortunately she does not ask.
$2200 new in 85 and as I sit here listening I am as happy as a pig stuck in the mud.
It just sounds so good.

I think my speakers are worth their weight in gold at about 60 pounds each. The amps worth double the $400 I paid. The quality of my turntable you couldn't touch new for 5k. The arm came with the TT but thats another 3k at least from what I see on the market today. I just bought a vintage Empire Cartridge for a oneBuckfifty, and last year I had the speakers refoamed for about $400. Good as new not bad for twenty years of pleasure.

When people describe soundstage, precence, defination.clarity, harmonics in their systems I have it all. And a great room as well

Merry Christmas
Love is all you Need

Groovey Records

Listening to The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour Capital 2835 Rainbow