How Much Power Do Vandersteen 5a's Really Need?

I just made a deal for a mint condition pair of these. I've long wanted a really good pair of Vandersteens but didn't have the budget to play in that space. I've read a number of discussions here, and otherwise, talking about this, though they were somewhat older. Despite the fact that the low end in these speakers is internally amplified, and one would think even SET amps, or certainly just about any good push pull tube amp would power these superbly, people generally seem to be throwing a LOT of power at them. Am I missing something?

Any input, expertise, or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
I owned the 5A’s for quite some time and drove them with Pass Labs Aleph 2’s 100w/ channel and found this was more than enough power to drive them. 
Given the low end is already powered, you would be driving the midrange and highs. They aren’t going to require much. What are they rated, and at what sensitivity? What kind of power are you looking at? Class A, A/B, D? SET, Tubes, SS... All factors in the discussion of a good match. I’m sure there are folks here with direct info for those speakers.
I've driven mine first with mono DR8s, then with a Luxman 110W integrated, and now with Music Reference RM9SE, 100 W/side.  All worked fine.  
I had the 5a for years before the 7’s. I used a variety of amplifier: Ayre , McIntosh, an ARC Ref 75 se was lovely....

how big is the room ? How loud do you listen ? Hint to set the EQ and set them up properly you need an analog SPL meter from RS.

congrats on what is still a world class speaker !!! Enjoy the music

yell if you need setup help