How much should I pay for 2nd hand Opera Quinta SE

Dear friends. I'm going to upgrade my set up. I’ve been offered a very nice pair of the Italian manufacturer Opera, Quinta SE in mint condition. Been told that they are 2-3 years old. I’ve listened to them and the sounds are quite good and accurate.

in you opinion, how much I should pay for them?
Many thanks in advance for any comment or answer.


Hi -

Big fan of Opera speakers.  I still have a pair of Opera Platea's.  

The Quinta SEs were/ are a USD 6K speaker new.  Opera speakers come with a 5 year warranty, so would these speakers still be covered under the warranty, assuming that they are only 2 or 3 years old?  The seller should be able to check with the dealer he purchased the speakers from.

Audiogon offers a blue book service which can guide you as to what the speaker's used value would be.  

That aside, what are $6K speakers that are a few years old worth?  Opera speakers don't usually come up for sale used that I have seen, but I don't know if that is because people don't part with them or they are not that popular.

Something else to factor in is that this will most likely always be a local sale for the seller given the speakers size & weight.  That is worth something, as shipping would be in the $200 or so range.  

Personally, I would be south of 50% list, but I prefer to buy new when I can, so it would need to be something very special for me to buy used.

Good luck,



Nice speaker. 

I use a 1st generation Seconda, a step under the Quinta.  Opera is the "everyday man$" Sonus Faber in aesthetics and build quality.

Used EVERYTHING is negotiable starting near 50%.

Good luck.

I f I were adventurous and had extra cash to blow, I would get these just because their outrageous looks. Opera Caruso

Rare find