No rule, not the same- and belief and reality, depends on who we are talking about. There's way more going on here than space. Check out my system. A long gradual process of trial and error going on there. Those cables are routed the way they are because it keeps them at a good distance, from each other and components, keeps them off the floor, and suspends them where they are largely free of floor-borne vibrations.
The last picture in my system pics is a close-up of the most recent thing I have learned, that cables sound a whole lot better when suspended in free air. Having them away from each other reduces electrical interference. This is critical with phono leads, important with interconnects, somewhat important with power cords and speaker cables. Keep at least a few inches space around them, and where they must come close its better to be at right angles than parallel.
Aside from phono leads, with line level interconnects, power cords and speaker cables the biggest improvement by far is the rubber band trick shown in my system. Elevating them off the floor is second. Interference runs a distant third. It may make more of a difference if yours are all tangled in a mess but if they are already fairly far apart then dressing them a little better won't do much. Rubber bands however, different story.
The last picture in my system pics is a close-up of the most recent thing I have learned, that cables sound a whole lot better when suspended in free air. Having them away from each other reduces electrical interference. This is critical with phono leads, important with interconnects, somewhat important with power cords and speaker cables. Keep at least a few inches space around them, and where they must come close its better to be at right angles than parallel.
Aside from phono leads, with line level interconnects, power cords and speaker cables the biggest improvement by far is the rubber band trick shown in my system. Elevating them off the floor is second. Interference runs a distant third. It may make more of a difference if yours are all tangled in a mess but if they are already fairly far apart then dressing them a little better won't do much. Rubber bands however, different story.