How much to spend to beat $1200 10yr old speakers?

i've had my KEF reference 102/2 stand-mount's(paid $1200 new) for about 10 years now and still enjoy them-but how much would i have to spend on new speakers to beat the ones i have in all or most respects- for example, i've heard alot of good things about the Quad 11L's for $600- is it possible to get more bang for half the price these days? or maybe 3/4 the price with say the Meadowlark swift? any other brand suggestions welcome, thanks
I very much doubt that speaker technology has improved to where a $600 new speaker would even come close to a $1200 10 yr old speaker. Perhaps a $1200 new speaker would improve ... which is not bad considering inflation.
I think you'd have to try, but I'd be very surprised if you sell the KEFs.
If you wish for more bass then I saw someone else suggested a separate powered sub ... it's worth considering ... I added one to my 10yr old spica angelus and it made an immense improvement. I think I'll still have the Spicas in another 10 yrs now I have the sub.
For those on the west coast...I believe Gene Rubin carries the new Quad line...also...the Maggie qr12s...the ones just below the 1.6s...are a great speaker...and roughly 1200 usd...if you have the room...a must audition....
All things being equal...a ten yr old $1200 speaker should at least equal a newer $600 one...but I wouldnt get too caught up in price ...there are simply not that many good speakers in either price range...and both the $600 Paradigm Studio 20 and the Quad 11L outperform a number of more pricey monitors(both old and new)....a higher pricetag can be just that...I value performance over price
If u like meadowlark kestrals.....try the Vandersteen 1c...virtually identical phase correct sound...for around $800....
I was in a similar situation, thinking of replacing my KEF's with Meadowlark Kestral. The Kestral was definately impressive with jazz. The instruments were very, very well defined. The KEF's threw a bigger soundstage which I like for rock. The Kestral has a rear port which might cause placement problems if too close to the wall.

I decided that I should upgrade my electronics before I went shopping for speakers. Now, a year later, the KEF's sound great (Ref 1's with UNI-Q). The imaging is really good but still lacks the soundstage depth that I remember from the Kestrals. If you want to play with your system I would recommend: vibration components for your cpd (vibrapods and rack), NOS tubes for your amp, possibly try a different cdp. Also, good IC's and speaker wires are always worthwhile.

As to the Kestrals, they may be a nice step up for you since you like mostly jazz and acoustic. Many people prefer the Swifts but they sounded thin to me also. The new Kestral 2's might be worth auditioning.

My recommendation to you, especially since you live far from the dealers, is to buy used on Audiogon. I think that Kestrals are going for about $700. You can have an extensive in-home demo for as long as you like. Then re-sell if you want. I buy only from sellers with good A'gon ratings and I've had very good luck.