I have the combo you're thinking of having. The reason I went with Lamm is also the well-known synergy between the Sasha and Lamm M1.2s. Having a remote was also a major factor.
The combo sounds very good, but beware that the Ref5 break-in is somewhere in the region of 600 hrs or more, so don't jump to conclusions too early. I couldn't say if the Lamms needed that much break-in as both pre and power amps were new.
I'll be frank in saying I haven't heard that many great systems, but in my room the system sounded good enough, with just the mid-range that could use a little improvement. Some tube-rolling with the Lamms could help.
The combo sounds very good, but beware that the Ref5 break-in is somewhere in the region of 600 hrs or more, so don't jump to conclusions too early. I couldn't say if the Lamms needed that much break-in as both pre and power amps were new.
I'll be frank in saying I haven't heard that many great systems, but in my room the system sounded good enough, with just the mid-range that could use a little improvement. Some tube-rolling with the Lamms could help.