How to ascertain speaker damage?

My %%^#$@!!! housemate was tossing a football around the living room and knocked one of my bookshelf monitors off its stand. It fell 1 feet, hit the subwoofer, and then fell 1 more feet to the ground.

There is some very, very slight scuff marks on the cabinet (plastic--these are minipods). How do I ascertain if there is any damage that has affected the speaker sonically?

This really pisses me off, as I am still in the process of breaking them in. What shall I do? Make him replace it? Or give him a stern warning?


Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

Try to drive it real loud one after separately and see how they accept the juice.
If notice that it drives an amp to clipping after 10pm volume level than it's probably the voice coil.
Sean, I had the same situation dropping the small monitor aka Kef C10. The volume arround 10pm isn't realy critical for the right speaker/amp combo and should be taken with ease. If the balance control isn't present you can disconnect the other channel with interconnect and still try to drive it. In my case once I've turned the volume level at 9:30 it started clipping while the other monitor took it with ease. After I've removed the driver there was no hope that this driver will ever sound -- the voice coil was fryed.
Yes the mechanical stress can damage the speaker internally so in the future if you're sending someone speakers send it in original factory double-box and order it if you do not keep it.