How to combine 2ch int amp with HT

Hi, All.

I am planning to buy integrated amplifier (not decided which one yet) to drive B&W N804 speakers. -- My primary goal is music. But I also want to have Home Theater. So I am also going to buy a/v receiver and more speakers for surround sound.

I do not understand (I am a newbie :-) how can I combine all the pieces into a single system. Will I be able to use N804 as front speakers? How to connect all the sources? And etc.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Showing 3 responses by duddley

Use a preamp or integrated that has a pass through input that bypasses the volume control. Two terms you may encounter to describe this are Theater Bypass, or unity gain out. Using this features allows you to run your A/V receiver's main speaker line levels into the preamp (or integrated). When in bypass mode the volume control of the A/V receiver controls the mains, along with the other theater speakers. Now you can leave your speakers connected to your music amp full time. Pre-amps and integrateds that have this feature include models by VAC, Conrad-Johnson, Blue Circle and Simaudio. If you find an integrated, or preamp you want that does not have this feature you can always run the mains from the A/V receiver through the tape loop, but you'll have to have a reference volume level set on the preamp to keep all the theater speakers balanced.
No, not personally, but since this has become a new selling point/feature I would think you would come across it in the marketing literature. Then again, some of these companies have abysmal marketing.

One more thing I forgot to mention: If remote operation is important to you, be sure that you can perform the necessary input selection for the theater bypass with a remote. The VACs, for instance, don't have this ability.
Good luck, Konstantin. Out of curiousity, what is your budget for an integrated, or Amp/Pre combo? I have recently done research on this, and I'd be pleased to assist in narrowing down the scope.