How to combine 2ch int amp with HT

Hi, All.

I am planning to buy integrated amplifier (not decided which one yet) to drive B&W N804 speakers. -- My primary goal is music. But I also want to have Home Theater. So I am also going to buy a/v receiver and more speakers for surround sound.

I do not understand (I am a newbie :-) how can I combine all the pieces into a single system. Will I be able to use N804 as front speakers? How to connect all the sources? And etc.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Showing 2 responses by reubent

Duddley is correct, and I have run several different integrated/HT combo systems over the years. Here are some other nice integrated amps that have HT bypass/Processor loop. BTW, I've owned all of them!

Arcam Alpha 10
Anthem Integrated 1
Anthem Integrated 2
Plinius 8200

All of these were nice, with the Arcam having the best functionality and ergonomics and the Plinius having the best overall sound. However, I might consider the fully tube based Anthem Integrated 1 to be the best value by a large margin. The integrated 1 sounds very good for its sub-$500 used price. The Integrated 2 has much more power, but loses a bit of the tube sound as it is a hybrid.

I would have to consider auditioning the newer Arcam Diva A-85 if I were in the market for a nice sounding Integrated amp with great functionality.

You may have to consider the effeciency of your speakers when deciding how nuch power you need.



Correct, if you use an Integrated amp with no HT bypass/Processor loop, you will need to set the volume of the integrated to the "calibrated" level each time you want to use HT. Not as bad as it sounds. Simply set the volume to a pre-described level before doing the initial calibration of the HT setup. For instance, set the volume to top, dead center or 50%, whatever. Then, when using HT, just set the integrated volume to that position.
