How to connect bi-wire speakers

I have a pair of Sonus-Fabre Guarneri speakers, they are available for bi-wire, and using a pair Silversmith speaker cables and Audioquest Everest jumper. Should I connect both speaker cables to the bass drivers or positive speaker cable for bass driver and the negative for tweeter? please comment. also is the gold binding post for positive and the silver binding post for negative?
The best sound will be achieved by attaching the speaker cables to the tweeter binding posts and connecting the bass posts via the jumper. If you, instead, connect the speaker cables to the bass binding posts, your sound will be noticeably degraded. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. By the way, Silversmith Audio also makes jumpers.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Smith
Silversmith Audio

Thanks for everyone, my speaker cable is single wire Palladium. As I saw someone connected one cable to the bass binding post, and one cable to the tweeter binding post. Do you think that would be better connection than both cable connect to tweeter binding post? Both connected with jumpers
>> NO-o-o-o-o-o!...Speaker cable either to tweeter terminals (+/-) OR to woofer terminals (+/-) <<

Gee, I thought this was *exactly* what I recommended. Obviously, I wasn't clear in my explanation. My bad, sorry. Let's suppose you have this configuration:

"Upper" terminals: +_______-

"Lower" terminals: +_______-

The jumper can go between the + and the - of either the "Upper" OR the "Lower" terminals. The speaker cable would then go to the un-jumpered terminals.

As for *requiring* the jumper to be on the bass (or, usually, Lower) terminals - *why* is this necessary? I fail to see how it makes ANY electrical difference.

If Edmond has 2 sets of cables for each speaker (with each set being a +/- pair), he should go ahead and bi-wire 'em.

If you want the *final* word on this, ask the speaker mfgr., I'm sure they've fielded this question before...

Flame suit on...

Greetings Edmond,
Obviously the connection you described will function, but it will be inferior sonically to connecting both cables to the tweeter terminals. It may have simply been easier to connect the cables the other way because of the way the cables were situated, close spacing of the binding posts, or to have the least tension on the ribbons.

Rlwainwright, please feel free to call me if you would like an explanation about sonic difference between attaching the cables to the tweeter or bass posts.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Smith
Silversmith Audio