It’s fed underground.
Another update:
The electrician came out and repaired the bad neutral lug and tightened everything up. The utility turned the power back on. The first thing I did was run some “tests.” Dimmable lights that used to buzz loud are quieter, the treadmill no longer dims the lights with each footfall (it does a little bit but it seems normal now whereas before it was like being at a rave), and best of all the sound quality of my audio system improved! No wonder - I’m sure the current flowing through the bad neutral lug wasn’t helping in any way with power delivery!
I’m really glad I put in the effort to follow through on this. I am very thankful for all the good advice from this community! I knew something was wrong with the power. I am happy that I didn’t go off on tangents with dedicated lines or power regenerators. I still plan on doing those things, but they would not have completely solved my problem in this case.
Another update:
The electrician came out and repaired the bad neutral lug and tightened everything up. The utility turned the power back on. The first thing I did was run some “tests.” Dimmable lights that used to buzz loud are quieter, the treadmill no longer dims the lights with each footfall (it does a little bit but it seems normal now whereas before it was like being at a rave), and best of all the sound quality of my audio system improved! No wonder - I’m sure the current flowing through the bad neutral lug wasn’t helping in any way with power delivery!
I’m really glad I put in the effort to follow through on this. I am very thankful for all the good advice from this community! I knew something was wrong with the power. I am happy that I didn’t go off on tangents with dedicated lines or power regenerators. I still plan on doing those things, but they would not have completely solved my problem in this case.