How to get the impact of a live concert?

Yes, I know, big speakers, lots of power. : ) But I really am looking to "feel" the dynamics of the music, like you would at a concert. I'm not only talking about bass, although that is certainly a part of it. My wife and I were at Dave Matthews Band concert last night and it always amazes me, how impactful music is when it's live. Obviously, I understand they have a LOT of power driving a LOT of speakers, but they were filling the whole outdoors (outside venue). I'm only trying to fill my listening room. Would a good sub help? Different speakers?

I currently have Gallo Reference 3.1's and Klipchs Forte II's (Crites mods) driven by a Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista M3.
If you're looking for "rock concert impact" (ala the Dave Matthews show you cite in the OP) without (near) rock concert SPL, I think you're sunk. That impact is largely a function of the very high SPL.

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it sucks that you have to pay for an astronomically-priced Focal, Kharma, Wilson, Rockport, etc. speaker system. but with adequate amplification with the right sources AND a well damped room, you CAN get (95% of) the impact of a concert performance. but it is extremely rare to come by an audio store that is willing to put that kind of a system on display. the day i got a glimpse of what is possible, on the other side of the room the Wilson WAMM speakers were placed was a Goldmund Reference turntable, and a rack of some of the best and most exotic gear available at the time. the speakers were driven by a pair of Levinson 20.6 class-a monoblocks and a bridged-mono bryston amp for the subwoofers (2 X 18 in. in 6 foot tall cabinets) . the room was magic whatever they played in it.
i'm no expert but high-end audio at the extreme end of the scale is pretty phenominal if it's set up correctly.
I'd personally feel a little weird sitting alone in a huge room in my McMansion with huge speakers driven by mega watt amps...listening to my fave little jazz trios? I'd have to get a smoking jacket or something...Bach cello suites blasting away...really? I'm seeing Sonny Landreth at a cool local venue this weekend...seen him before and he's amazing...but I don't want Sonny and his band in my hifi room. I like his recorded stuff plenty, but live is to be seen live, and I enjoy the difference.