I haven't read through all of this thread, so please forgive me if I am going over the same ground as others, but if you're looking to see the sorts of periods or genres you like, and you're able to stream music, I highly recommend both Idagio and Primephonic as classical-only sources. They have playlists and podcasts that you can stream to sample various composers, genres, etc, and learn about them, and when you find something that you like it's easy to see and listen to the various recordings of the piece. I also like BBC Music Magazine, it's got monthly articles about building a library of particular pieces, and particular composers, plus reviews of the new classical releases of the month, and also comes with a CD that as a rule is well-recorded and might introduce you to new [pieces you might not otherwise think of trying. And if you use the magazine's reviews in conjunction with the streaming services, you can listen to the recordings that were reviewed and see what the reviewer was talking about, maybe you find a reviewer whose tastes match yours (or don't)/
By the way, was it St. Thomas church that you dropped in on? That has a wonderful organ, and there are some famous recordings from that venue.
By the way, was it St. Thomas church that you dropped in on? That has a wonderful organ, and there are some famous recordings from that venue.