Brubin and rvpiano, thank you for your suggestions.
Telefunkin, Iwill add those sets you mention to my list of music to explore purchasing. and will research what they contain if I can find some information on them online.
Rbschauman, Archivmusic sounds like a good resource, especially if it’s CD oriented and offers recommendation. I will get to it.
Here in the Roanoke, Virginia area there are, or used to be before the pandemic, occasional classical music performances. There may be a Roanoke Symphony even. On the local PBS they used to regularly run a commercial showing the conductor. They commercial unfortunately had him come across just like "The Maestro", if you remember him from the old Seinfeld show. Poor guy., But where’s there a conductor an orchestra has to be lurking somewhere. I remember at least once hearing about some chamber music locally. It’s probably more likely to find live classical music here rather than jazz in any event.
Thanks for your encouraging words and suggestions.
Anyone, I realized why its taken to age 68, almost 69, to start appreciating classical music. My girlfriend throughout college was learning to play classical violin from one of her professors as part of her classwork. She, the professor, was a talented violinist in the Mid-Hudson Symphony Orchestra.
I’d usually come home from classes and my work-study job, do some homework and then be treated to my girlfriend practicing classical music on the violin. There was no escaping. That daily practice was not dissimilar to a chorus of agitated cats on a hot roof. I haven’t thought about that for a long time, but it’s doubtless taken near fifty years to get over it, and is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit that I have at long last.. I should have been nicer to her about it at the time, thinking back. Oh well.