How To Keep Cat Off Stereo Equipment?

We adopted a long-hair, one-eyed stray kitten. She is a very lovely cat, however, she likes jumping up on stereo equipment - tube preamp and mono block amplifiers. Am I right in thinking that cat hairs that fall inside the equipment can eventually fry things? Assuming so, I can't be the first person to have a cat AND hifi equipment. How do you keep the cat off? For the record she only jumps up there when she is alone in the room, so I think she gets that we don't want her up there, but just hasn't filed under "relevant info." I would greatly appreciate suggestions!


Nerf has a bunch of stuff that shoot soft foam, enough to get their attention without hurting anyone or anything.

Best of luck.

The rack suggestions work. If for whatever reason a rack doesn’t work, I have had great success placing a piece of equipment that is not ventilated (like a tuner, streamer, power conditioner, tape deck, etc.) above the ventilated equipment with some risers to allow sufficient airflow for the ventilated equipment. If you don’t have such equipment or it is too bulky for this approach, just get a properly sized piece of wooden shelving and use that as a cover.


This approach also works well as a way to handle family members who persist in placing things on top of ventilated gear without being a constant nag.

I had a cat once about 50 years ago, only once. and this is why,

I was laying on my bed listening to an album when all of a sudden the needle started to jump around!

Naturally I leaped up and saw that my now gone cat was pouncing on top of the dust cover of the turntable! it seemed that the spinning record label had something to do with this odd behavior.

I have three cats and top vented equipment, including a 532H sitting on the floor. They lay on the top of everything because the equipment is left on all the time. I have never seen chassis damage created by the cats or hair in the equipment. I have opened the equipment for small repairs and tube changes. The only drag were the scratches on the top of a pair of JBL speakers. I had inexpensive, custom covers made for them.