How to PM someone

Embarrassing question.  I want to PM someone here and can’t for the life of me figure out how.  Any help much appreciated. 


@immatthewj  I don’t get any drop-down box anywhere when I click on someone’s username.  Where exactly on the page was this drop-down box you found?

@immatthewj  I don’t get any drop-down box anywhere when I click on someone’s username.  Where exactly on the page was this drop-down box you found?

@soix , on my computer the drop down box appears right next to your username when I click on it.

@immatthewj  Nope, I got nuthin’.  Maybe it’s because I’m on an iPad and not a computer.  I have no idea.  All I do know is that this should not be so hard.  It’s ridiculous. 

Maybe it’s because I’m on an iPad and not a computer.

That could be, @soix .  My computer is ancient (2012 vintge) and I am using windows 7, and there is so much stuff that either doesn't work or only works with great difficulty, so I am actually surprised that this did work for me.  

@mitch2 Thanks for pointing that out never noticed! When I clicked @soix on the initial post it took me to his user page but on his reply Message User was there. Nice to learn something new today! :)