How to reproduce sound of piano

I currently own a decent rig, Mac MA 2275, AP Sparks, Marantz 8001, Rega Apollo, Benchmark DAC w/ Squeezebox Duet. I love the way it sounds with jazz, voice, orchestral works and also it's decent with chamber music.

But I find when I'm listening to piano solo performances it doesn't quite sound nearly good as the live instrument. This is too bad because I mainly listen to classical piano works. I want to build a new system from scratch dedicated to listen to solo piano works as well as piano conertos.
I don't care for "warmth", "timbre", "soundstage" or other loaded audiophile terms. Just want absolutely accurate piano reproduction as possible.

What qualities should I look for? Analog vs digital source. Solid state vs tube amp? I find my tube amp unable to keep up with technical masters as Pollini or Horowitz. But will going to SS take away from the performces of more romantic pianists like Kempf and Zimerman? As for speakers, I never heard of a speaker capable of reproducing the deep bass of a 9ft+ concert Steinway grand. Are electrostatics way to go? My budget is around $25K USD. Thanks for any feedback.

Showing 1 response by learsfool

I agree with Jax2 and Tobias. Vinyl played through horn speakers with tube amplification are the way to go for things that cover the full frequency range all the time, like solo piano music, or large orchestral or opera. I also agree with Detlof that some of the finest recorded piano sound out there, both for recording quality and interpretation, are Alfred Brendel's recordings for Philips, the Dutch pressings. I just picked up his 70's Beethoven Sonata set, it is truly magical. I also have a few of his Mozart Piano Concerto recordings with the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, also on Philips. Again, magic.

For those of you who also love Brendel's playing, some sad news. He performed his last live concert the other night in Vienna. Our recordings are all we will have of him, now. I hope he continues to teach and write.