Your wife is right. Save your money. Or spend it on something you can build or assemble, like a tube amplifier from a kit.
I agree that buying stuff is not a hobby. Tweaking, tuning, cleaning records, aligning and realigning phono cartridges, I guess qualify as a hobby. But not buying amps and cd players.
I'm still undecided about stamp collecting. I guess if there is some research and work that goes into finding the things you buy, it's a hobby. But I don't think modern audiophilic consumerism qualifies.
I agree that buying stuff is not a hobby. Tweaking, tuning, cleaning records, aligning and realigning phono cartridges, I guess qualify as a hobby. But not buying amps and cd players.
I'm still undecided about stamp collecting. I guess if there is some research and work that goes into finding the things you buy, it's a hobby. But I don't think modern audiophilic consumerism qualifies.