Dan,take a look at the Acoustic Sounds latest advertising.They're selling our little(well,mine)digital guage(95 bucks on Audiogon)for 185 dollars!MAN,we could have bought them all up,and made enough to buy a Blue Pearl!Well maybe a platter mat,for it.
This business of manufacturers making the cartridge bodies to line up one way or another is kinda cute.You have to be careful here,because I can guarantee that plenty of our little cantilever angles are NOT all exact,from model to model.Whomever the mfgr is!The EAR is the only viable way to discern this.But you all knew this anyway.I just wanted some post time.-:)Heh,heh.
PAUL--"To shrug,or NOT to shrug".That question is inarguable to me,as if we want to really hear/know what our favorite "great" cartridges can do,especially the cream of the crop,it seems to be a no brainer to use something like well recorded classical lp's.Or something of that ilk.
I mean to listen for something like the breath being blown,gently through a flute or oboe(for example)trumps an electric guitar being broken over some "groupie's" head!No?Yet that acoustic guitar/singer song writer disc that Cello played for me,really blew me away.No heavy metal,but heavy duty ambiance and gorgeous tonal shadings.I can only imagine how great Larry's set-up must sound by now.
I kinda smile when some audio maven(reviewer) lists the criteria that makes a particular cartridge(or any component)great,and then goes on to list almost all music listed,as hard rock.Oh yeah,you'll notice they throw in one or two classical war horses,to seem interested in that stuff.
Don't get me wrong.I love rock,and have no boundaries in my musical appetite,but when you want to define the sublimeness of a great transducer,nothing compares to listening to the tonal shadings,and harmonic beauty of the instruments of an orchestra.Get that right,and everything else falls into place!Sid always tells me that though something gets a rave,it is meaningless to him,because he has no concept of what that person values in the LP's he listens to.Or what that particular person values in music reproduction.We all seem to skew a bit,in what type of system presentation we favor.It's called individual taste.
Hear that Raul!Enough with the love affair with Heavy Metal!Jan Allaerts SURELY did NOT design his "magic beauties" with the thought of "hooligans banging heads"!-:)
A little humor,if you will,so please no bombs from south of the border.You know you're still the cartridge kin
Sorry for going on so long.It's been three months that my set-up is down.I have nothing else to do!Hey,Mr amp manufacturer,please hurry up.I've got all my other stuff done already.Enough with the hiking cross country!