you can find a digidesign Mbox for sale quite cheaply $100-ish on craigslist or ebay. they come with protools software. you plug your 'tape out' into the Mbox and the Mbox into your computer.
- the better the turntable, the better your CD will sound
- there's a small learning curve - hardly worth it just to do several LPS
it seems like it would make more sense to find someone who's got a good TT and the right software/interface who'd just do the job for you for a nominal fee.
you could put up another post asking if there's anyone in your area willing to do this.
- the better the turntable, the better your CD will sound
- there's a small learning curve - hardly worth it just to do several LPS
it seems like it would make more sense to find someone who's got a good TT and the right software/interface who'd just do the job for you for a nominal fee.
you could put up another post asking if there's anyone in your area willing to do this.