How to unpack 150lbs+ towers

Is there any sort of standard technique for removing 150lbs+ tower speakers from the packaging base? With no handles ( other than the drivers :) ) to grab onto? I have Pioneer S-1EX.
First advice: enlist a friend. Much of the detail is going to depend on the packing, and how the box/crate opens. For my 150lb/55 inch towers, the best method was to stand boxes upright, open on a long side and "walk" the speaker out, with gentle pulls on alternate sides. On hard floors, blanket on the floor will help with sliding speaker into approximate position before engaging the spikes/footers. Goes without saying, but the floor should be absolutely clean to avoid predations of scratchy grit.

Perhaps the manufacturer has some advice?

With help perhaps, stand the speaker on its top, open the bottom of the box, then turn the box over right side up (with the end flaps bent out) and then lift up the box off the speaker. Voila! Everything done, no strain, no damage.