how would you describe a system that is musical in nature

i’m in the process of creating a new audio system, and would like to know how do you define a system as musical in nature vs a system that is analytical in nature…let’s start here, and hope to learn.
I agree with Jim204. Musical is code for colored around here. Not a bad thing if done tastefully. Sonus Faber and McIntosh are good examples of a tasteful coloration to my ear where Magico and Solution are more of a just the facts kind of sound. Some other brands that are popular on here are straight up colored IMO in the highs, mids, or bass. Nothing wrong with that as the recording is not real anyway but that is for a different discussion. 

For me I think some of these highend amps /preamps that reach for the last bit of detail and neutrality can get a bit of upper frequency glare when driven hard that detracts from the music. Where a lesser detailed amp above 5khz (high powered McIntosh) will let you play stupid loud and not get the glare. That has been my experience anyway. Lately I have been sticking to neutral speakers with softer sounding electronics. 

Don’t over look room treatments before chasing gear either. Bad slap eco or strong bass nodes can really screw things up fast. Always good to start with room measurements. Measurements will speed up audio nirvana and save a lot of guess work. 
I have heard so many ear bleeding systems, frequently centered around Magico (not a criticism of Magico, but the electronics driving them… and I guess the sensitivity of Magico) with so much detail, high frequency hash, and noise floor it has made me wonder if half the folk interested in high end audio had lost there hearing. 
I've previously thought that was in regards to the selection played, vs. the components.
Those existed to reproduce that selection in the best manner possible within the space played.


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