How would you get into the biz?

I'm really NOT soliciting here.

I'm just thinking about how VERY difficult the high end speaker business is. It is the electronic equivalent of opening up your own restaurant. Very hard, laborious, risky, and full of nefarious types. Kind of like the concrete business. :)

What do you think are the best and worst ways?


To paraphrase Steve Martin, "Make something that is so good they can’t ignore you."
To paraphrase Steve Martin, "Make something that is so good they can’t ignore you."

Oh, you mean like the Black Fuse?

" To paraphrase Steve Martin, "Make something that is so good they can’t ignore you."

Like Bose?
The niche that is really opening up is the small powered stereo speaker with digital inputs. Think audio engine and vanatoo. If I were to try to chase the buck, I would start stuffing hypex modules in fancy aluminum cases. 
Give me a free pair to start a word of mouth campaign.
Is Squires your real last name, Eric? I thought it might be Alexander until you mentioned 2-way.