HT and 2 channel in same room? 1 or 2 systems?

Hi all, I wasn't exactly sure where to post this but hoping someone here may have some advice for me.  This dilemma has been stressing me a bit so would appreciate any advice.  I'll try to make this as concise as possible.

I have recently put together a multichannel system as do a lot of movies/PS5.  System is Onkyo RZ50 AVR, Klipsch RF7-iii, RC-64iii and RP-600 for surround.  I plan on adding in ATMOS speakers and some big DIY subs soon.

I have always wanted to get into 2 channel audio also.  I have a fairly big room, 21x28, so I have also purchased a 5 year old pair of La Scala II's a few weeks ago and I just had a Willsenton R300 tube integrated amp delivereda day or two ago.

I thought at first I would have 2 separate systems in the same space.  I started doing some research into how to add a sub to that tube amp and found out I can do this via high level inputs, however, for every 1 discussion that seems to like that idea, I find another discussion or two that says you really need RCA out/bass management to make everything fit together. dilemma is do I push forward with 2 separate systems?  I'll have to find a way to fit another pair of subs for the 2 channel system via high level.  But this way I'll be able to enjoy the La Scala's via tube (thru Bluesound Node streamer) which I have been really looking forward to and then have a whole separate HT for gaming/movies.

But.....more than a few people have suggested this might be way over-thinking and over-complicating this and that I should just listen to music thought my multi-channel setup and forget the 2 separate systems.  If I did this, I guess I would just sell the RF7's and just listen to everything through the La Scalas.  And then I'd only need 2 subs, which would be a plus but then also kind of lose the dream of having a tube setup for music.  However, I have more often than not done upgrades and not heard any difference so I'm kind of expecting this with the tubes, too.  I have alot of hard surfaces in this room, which I'm working on rectifying, but I am def worried that if I hook up this tube amp, its not going to sound any different to me than going via Pure Audio/Direct thru the AVR.

So plusses to keeping separate, I get to listen to tubes.  Plusses to going down to 1 system, I can consolidate and sell extra set of speakers, only need 1 set of subs, get to return the tube amp.  I'm just not sure if saying I have tubes is worth that or not.

Appreciate any advice anyone may have on this situation.


This is an excellent question and very appropriate for me.  I was very excited this morning to read the responses and potential solutions offered by the Gon’ers as I am currently building and trying to figure out the same issue.  IMO with enough research and asking enough questions to the right people, there is always a solution even if it’s a compromise.  But life is all about compromises that you can be happy with. For the OP, I believe the solution is a preamp with HT bypass and sub pass through and is neutral enough to not color the tube amp.  I would keep the tube with the LaScala’s.  I’ve heard them in a room your size and they are one of the top 5-10 speakers I would choose to try in that room.  For the rest of your system, or systems, of integrating subs across HT and 2 channel, here is what I intend to do.

In a mixed use dedicated room,  14x22 fully sound controlled to the best of my ability, I have prewired for 7.4.4 + 2channel mains and riser platform acting as bass trap/ theater seat riser.  I have acquired almost all of the following gear.  I lack the Pre with HT bypass and the DIY subs.  If I am overlooking something obvious, please let me know why this won’t work or you feel that the compromises seem more than it’s worth.  Also, this is my critical listening room, so the compromises need to be minimal.  
Denon x4200h AVR with Rotel amps driving LCR, SS, RS and Atmos. Sub out to miniDSP for passive DIY subs at side and back of room.  Front wide pre out to 2 channel Preamp with 2.1 HT Bypass to amp driving another set of LR as 2 channel mains and  acting as Front Wides when in HT mode.  LFE from AVR also sent to .1 on Preamp bypass into REL subs in front of room.  REL subs also wired high level from 2 channel amp for 2 channel listening.  Video sources sent to AVR and streamer sent to 2 channel Pre.  Room treatments are next but I obviously need to have the system setup and REW before I start on that.  The one issue I haven’t solved is the fairly large projector screen as a reflector between my mains.  My only option may be to use a curtain to pull over the screen for critical 2 channel listening but one thing at a time.  My room is not huge so compromises of speaker placement is a very big concern of mine, but it is what it is and a viable solution will present itself with enough trial and error and enough equipment in and out.  Hopefully, responses to this will help the OP as well as me.  


Congrats on your attention to detail. I would only add two things. Get a laser pointer/measurer and try and make the MLP equidistant between the front and rear channels. The second thing is HUGE, get the paid upgrade for Audyssey MULTQ-X and the calibrated mic. Your concerns about the screen will likely be a non issue and the tweaking abilities of this upgrade will let you adjust as needed. IMO wide channels are more important then height channels for an immersive experience. make sure to get them as close to 60 degree angles as possible:


Hi Johns

For many years I tried to build a 2 channel system using my home cinema amp but gave up in the end. The DAC in the AV amp simply isn't up to it. I proved this to myself when I bought a Audiolab MDAC+, the difference was amazing. Detail and Soundstage were the 2 biggest differences. This set me off on a bit of a hifi obsession, I now use a DCS Bartok as a DAC through BHK 300 mono's into Kef Reference 5's. Non of these form any part of my AV set up.

For that I use an ONYKO TX-NR 3030 Atmos 11.2 receiver, Kef Ref 4 speakers, Kef Ref model 200c centre, 4 x Kef Q95 Surround speakers and 4 x Kef Q95 Height Speakers and A kef TDM 45 Sub. Epson Projector.

I am fortunate to have a decent size room to accommodate all this stuff, 21' x 19' with a 13' ceiling height. My HiFi system sounds so much better than the AV set up that I spend 95% of the time listening to music now, via Qobuz.

So, to answer your initial question, Yes you definitely need 2 separate systems, especially if you want the best out of your 2-channel set-up


IF you have the space, two systems without a doubt. Movies are radio with pictures.

Large screens can be covered with a quilt for HiFi. Projectors suck compared to OLED, well actually compared to any modern direct view.

Use subs that have dual inputs for HiFi and HT e.g. Martin Logan X series, Anthem, etc. Get subs that have full control: Multi slope and continuously variable XO, continuous phase, polarity inversion.


The DAC in the AV amp simply isn't up to it

Interesting, I added the Sony Signature TAZH1ES DAC/headphone amp/pre for the same reason. I tried it as a preamp in two channel mode but prefer the use of the room correction of my Marantz processor. Now I just run it via the RCA connection into the processor. Another benefit of the outboard dac approach is that it is easier to upgrade a dac then swap out an entire processor or receiver.