HT peakers for Marantz SR5200

Hi, I've just purchased a Marantz SR5200 for my small room home theatre (probably 10 x 12 feet). I'm seeking to increment above the built-in speakers in the Sony XBR. Will need 2 front, center, 2 rear, and a sub. Forget state-of-the-art, I'm simply seeking an engaging fun system that avoids classic problems of cheap home theatre - nasal sound and one-note boomy bass - and I hope to minimize the expense in the process. This is for movies, mainly, and perhaps music DVD's. The SR5200 is not a hugely powerful amp (5 x 90 on paper) but given the size of room, I am hopeful. What do you recommend? : - )
The R3A DeCapo is a really nice speaker. It is not the last word in resolution, but that makes it a better "real world" speaker IMHO. It has excellent bass extension and control for a monitor. I also like the fact that it works well with almost any amplifier. I currently power them with 3.5 watts of 2A3 tube power, but I've used other SS amps (even my HT receiver) with great results. BTW, I just purchased a pair of Channel Islands VMB-1 mono-blocks which are a "gainclone" type of chip amp. I would like to have these SS amps replace the Paramours as I have a new pair of "tiny hands" in the house. I want my child (and my amps) to be safe!

About the Pioneers: These are decent speakers and are a bargain at the web prices. I still own the surrounds and I think the sub and center are great values. If you want a full set of 5.1 speakers for under $600, these would be very good.

There used to be a decent magazine/web-zine review floating around, but I haven't been able to find it recently. The Pioneers are so much better than anything "mass-market" that I've heard at anything near the same price.


The Hsu Ventriloquist/STF2 recommended above has garnered many accolades.
You should also put the Rocket Tyke on your list. You can get B-stock system in excellent condition for $199. I have them and like them quite a lot. The integration with the compact but decent subwoofer is seamless.
Another good choice is the Mordaunt-Short Genie. This system should cost more than the Tyke and should be available through Marantz dealers.
Good luck.
The Hsu and Rocket Tyke both look interesting at the price. Where are the Hsu accolades? Which would you recommend? The Genie looks great but at $1300 I'd be looking at larger speakers which tend to have more grace, no?
Accolades here. I have the VT-12 these on loan from Hsu to take to an audio geek, consumer direct products, gathering in Austin. I was very skeptical but they really have impressed me. The shifting the mid-bass to the CC for the front really works. On LoTR FoTR they excelled at sound effects but how well they handled the dynamic score was surprising. For HT only I think you'll be quite pleased. If not they have a 30 in home trial period.

I may be able to report on the Tykes after next week. Not sure if they will be on hand.
There are a bunch of "lifestyle" speakers out there (not a bad word now like it was when Bose was the only choice). Gallo, Energy, Canton (, Athena, Infinity and others give you good sound from small boxes...
