HT Pre/Pro 7.2 Upgrade???

I have a good friend that is using a B&K Reference 50 in his 7.2 home theatre system. He's owned the Ref 50 since new and is very partial to it. I'm trying to convince him to upgrade and make the move but we are having trouble figuring out what to upgrade to. 

Some of the requirements are as follows:
  • 7.2 channel capable
  • HDMI 
  • black in color
  • comparable or better in sound to the Ref 50
  • must have a remote
  • prefer used as the price is typically better
  • removable power cord (IEC plug)
If I think of anything else I'll add to it. 

His current system includes Oppo 105, B&K Ref 50, 2 Carver TFM-55x amps, 1 Carver A753X, Martin Logan Odyssey (mains), Martin Logan SL3 (side surround), Martin Logan Aires I (surrounds), and Martin Logan Theatre (center). 

What would you all recommend for this application?
The B&K stuff was voiced very warm.  Does he want to stay with this sonic signature?  Or does he want something more high resolution with more excitement and snap in the highs?  What is the budget?
First off, he won’t be selling anything and converting to a 2 channel system. Please keep this to a 7.2 build. 
His budget is about $1500 but that’s max. Realistically want to be much cheaper. 
He’s open to change but wants it to be comparable or better to the B&K. 

I would tell him to look for a used Marantz AV770x series.  There's several that have come out:


There's a used AV7702mkii on usaudiomart for $920:

The used price on these are usually between $900 and $1500, depending on seller and year/model.  At most, it is going to be a max of 5 years old (7702).

DO NOT get the 7701 model. That uses older analog circuit design.  All the 7702 have HDMI.  These have a very good sized power supply.  They are voiced a little bit warm, so the high frequencies will be softened, but it's all there.  It should be a nice replacement for his B&K.  The audio between all the models is exactly the same.  The only changes are bells & whistles and new functions such as HEOS, DTS-S, Atmos, blutooth, etc.

It's an 11.2 channel processor and it does have 2 separate subwoofer outputs in both RCA and XLR connections.

You can get a higher resolution processor without the warm/soft high frequencies, but you will have to go older or go more expensive.  The older stuff can be good, such as Krell S-1000, but they can have problems playing new formats (even such as playing Dolby Digital from a Bluray).  More expensive means at least $2500 or more.
The Marantz AV7705 is available on for $1500.  If it’s me, there’s a very nice used Anthem AVM 60 on eBay for $1950 I’d jump on.  I know it’s a bit above his max, but as he clearly doesn’t upgrade frequently it’s money well spent for the long term IMHO considering the jump in performance, and he gets the excellent ARC room correction as well.  Best of luck.