Huey Lewis diagnosed with Meniere's disease

He is just a few years senior of me, it is sad. I would be sad if I had this disease.

shadorne, I too consider Bill Gibson a real good drummer, very tasty. And The News’ original bassist Mario Cipollina is the younger brother of Quicksilver Messenger Service guitarist John Cipollina, one of the best San Francisco area guitarists of the era.

Brian, Huey can be heard blowing harp on the first Elvis Costello album---My Aim Is True, at the time of it’s recording a member of Clover. Are you located in the Bay Area? If so, you might want to check out Gary Smith of San Jose. He studied with Charlie Musselwhite, and is a VERY good harp player. I was in a band with Gary in 1969-70, not long after he switched from drums to harp.

Very cool history lessons here guys. At one time, Ryan Adams suffered from the same affliction. A man of Huey's status will find a specialist to help treat Meniere's- get well soon.
There is no cure or effective treatment for Meniere's. If you have a severe enough version you will go deaf and constantly lose your equilibrium. Less severe cases "just" have godawful/constant ringing in the ears. It is genetic.
my mother had a wonderful singing voice. I used to love sitting with her in church. she contracted Meniere's....couldnt buy a note for the rest of her life.....I missed her singing.
I've had a mild to moderate case of Meniere's for the past 20+ years, what it does is gives you some weird inner ear ringing/noise, and dizziness due to affecting the balance canals in your ear.  but I was and am still able to listen to music no problem.  if it gets really bad though, a person can lose their balance to the point they can't walk, or fall down.  what happens is, your eyes take over for balance by sight perception.  if a person with Meniere's tries to walk a straight line with their eyes closed, they stagger and almost fall over.   a person with good inner ear balance can still walk a straight line with their eyes closed.