Hum in preamp when using HT bypass

I have a Sim Audio P5 preamp that has an HT bypass input. AT first I was using RCA interconnects from CD to preamp, preamp to amp and the HT bypass and had no problems. When I switched to balanced from CD to preamp and preamp to amp leaving the RCA connection for the HT bypass I am getting the hum. There is no balanced input for the HT bypass. When I choose my CD input I do not get the hum, only when I switch to the HT bypass input. Any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by kayoboy

Thanks Mitch for your reply but will this happen if I have 2 dedicated lines and the preamp and amp are plugged in one line while my video and digital is in the other line as I have right now.
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I tried to disconnect my coax to my satellite box and hum is stll there. I removed all my connectors one by one still there. Finally I switched the input from HT bypass to another input in my preamp and the hum is gone. Is the bypass input defective? Well maybe I will just do with this setup for awhile and just put the volume at 12:00 oclock as have been stated in other threads until I could have this fixed.