Huntsville Alabama

Any audiophiles in the Athens/Decatur/Huntsville/Florence Alabama area? It would be interesting to have a group that meets once in a while. Is there anybody out there?
Hey Stephen,

I would be willing to meet up on a Saturday.

Shoot me an email

Best regards,

Hey Bill,

Glad to see you chime in, I just sent a request to Stephen who I believe is in Huntsville, so maybe we can get a gathering together soon.

I am into DIY myself, the main stream audio gear is way to expensive, right now I use a modified Sony Playstation One for my source, a modified Chinese EL84 tube integrated and JE Labs open baffles with Electro Voice 12TRXB drivers. What do you have in your system?

Gentleman, all about music. Gear prices have little to do with music enjoyment. Personally, DIY ads to the zest. Let's have initial meeting in neutral location. Would Huntsville March 10 lunchtime be favorable to all? More suggestions please.
March 10th at lunch time is good for me. I will attend. What is the location? How about the food court at the Madison Square Mall. Plenty of options for lunch, just a suggestion. I would meet anywhere everyone decides. I'm open to suggestion. Lets get this thing rolling.
Great to hear from you fellas. I'm at a hiking conference on the 10th....but go ahead and meet, and I can join you maybe a month later.

I have some wonderful used Vandersteen 2 speakers (probably circa 1978), a Creek integrated and a slew of NAD/Cambridge and Onkyo CD players. Also a number of other speakers--AR3 (from about late 60s), a Spica SC30 I think and a few others. I also have a Dual record changer in the basement; it was a good one in it's time and dates to the early 70s.

There's a group here in Florence of vinyl guys who meet at an independent record shop downtown. I have their flyer if anyone is interested.

Cheers...Bill Matthews 256-710-8036 A better email for me is