Hurricane sounds - very dynamic but bad

Hi members,

As I type the eye of Hurricane Lili is about to pass through our area here in Lafayette, Louisiana. My family and I are safe in our home and the winds have luckily died down from 140 to less than 100 mph . The noise is very dynamic but in a scary way. We are lucky to still have power but that may soon change. Keeps us members and folks in your thoughts and prayers as we get through this.
Good luck Lloyd. Keep those RM40s dry (actually, they may be big enough for you to huddle behind).


Best of luck to you. My brother in law and his family live in LaFayette, LA as well.

He's my only hi fi buddy in the family.
Lloyd, I wish you the best for your family and you. As a correspondent, I have recently been in several life-threatening-sutuation, e.g. in Afghanistan and Chechnya. I send you my best wishes.
How's it going this morning ? Let us know when the storm has passed and you've assessed the situation. Hope all's OK.