Hydra 4 with Taipan Alpha - reduced dynamics and slam

I recently purchased Hydra-4 with Taipan Alpha (non-helix) from fellow audiogoner. I few hrs of listening with hydra-4 + Taipan Alpha combination, the dynamics and slam is completely missing. The music is soft and un-interesting. Any idea of this hydra-4 behaviour?. I am looking changing Taipan Alpa (non-helix) with Sunyata DIamondback 20A, not sure if this will make any different. 

Any idea on this dissapointing behaviour Hydra-4 behaviour?
I have 2 Hydra 4 in my main system with Shunyata Copperhead 20 amp power cords and I have absolutely no reduced dynamics and slam.

 The Shunyata Triton in my system has had the opposite effect. According to Shunyata, a unit that has been unplugged takes 48 hours to settle back in. I would give it a little time and see what happens.

Thanks, I would give it some time. Will Taipan alpha non-helix would be the culprit, though I dont think it would be such a bad cable.
Also, I have my laptop, which is the audio source, plugged in To hydra.