Hypex N core module

Did you have experience with amplifier based on Hypex - NCore Technologies  
Hi mitch2,

     You have an excellent system..  I've never listened to either the class D Acoustic Imaging Atsah or the class A Clayton M300 monos but I've read many very positive reviews on both.
      Just the thought of comparing the diminutive Atsah class D monos at 1/4 the weight and size of the pure class A Clayton monos seems like a big mismatch to me reminiscent of David vs Goliath.  I suspect you were not very surprised that, in this modern rematch,  the favored Goliath clearly beat the underdog David,
      I appreciated your articulate description of your impressions of the sound portrayed by the Atsah:  
"In my case, I described what I heard as a soundstaging type of issue where the music sounded as if it were being played by individual players recorded separately in a sound booth, instead of a band playing on a stage together. The ambient cues were not present in relation to the musicians to the extent I was familiar with from my other amplifiers."

     Besides giving me a clear understanding of why you were disappointed by the Atsah's presentation, the thought struck me that this poor performance may be a result of a very revealing amp combined with poorly engineered  and/or poorly recorded source material.
     In an effort to be totally honest about this, I need to assure you I'm making my comments less as a definitive explanation and more a joint exploration of the forces at work in your system.
     I don't have the experience with NC1200 based class D amps that you  have but I've used 3 mid-level class D amps in my system for the last 3 years.  I'm familiar with how very neutral and revealing these amps can be of upstream components, system cabling and especially the quality of your source material; a well engineered recording will sound exceptionally good but a poorly engineered recording will reveal its flaws just as faithfully.  I've occasionally experienced a similar affect as you describe on obviously poor recordings played through my D-Sonic M-600 monos that utilize the newer Anaview/Abletec AMS-1000-2600 power modules.
     My suggestion is actually more of a question to you than a statement:
Could it be that the reason the musical material that you played through your class A Cayton M300 amps sounded so good, while the same recording played through your very accurate and revealing class D Atsah sounded so poor, was due to the musical material not being as well engineered as you originally thought?  In other words,  Do you think your class A Clayton M300 amps are less revealing and more forgiving of bad recordings than your Atsah?
      Your other impression on the Atsah, that "the ambient cues were not present in relation to the musicians to the extent I was familiar with from my other amplifiers."  I find this perplexing since, typically,  good class D amps are very accurate, neutral and detailed, not known to add or omit anything to the audio signal.
     I find it very interesting and informative that you own and have compared 2 such diametrically opposite amps: The high powered, large and heavy Clayton M300 monos which are pure class A, highly praised for their excellent sound performance that are the least efficient of amp types and the high powered, small and light Acoustic Imagery Atsah monos which are class D, praised by many for their very good sound performance that are the most efficient of amp types. 
     I recently read a quote from Bruno Putzeys, the inventor of th Hypex NCore class D technology, that may be of interest to you and other readers of this thread: 
" I can emulate the sound of pretty much any amp out there if I wanted. But so far I'm resisting. If ever I give in, it'll be obvious from the measurements and I hope someone calls me out on it. Anyhow that's why I decided I actually wanted the NC400 to have this unvarnished dead-pan delivery."
     Putzeys interestingly stated the main benefit of using class D is efficiency.
     He also stated he tweaked the Hypex NCore 1200 module in his Mola Mola Kartuga monos to differentiate his amps from the numerous OEM class D monos on the market that utilize his standard NCore module.
     Perhaps someday soon he'll tweak some modules to emulate the sound of the Clayton M300 pure class A monos in either his own or one of his OEM customers' amp. 
    Sorry this post was so long,

It is very possible to voice the NCores to emulate other amps.  Just rolling the opamps will change the sound of them as well as various caps and resistors, upgrading to ones like Sparkos makes a huge difference as well.  We have a new buffer/front end coming out that will change a lot of people's opinion on class D products and should have it available in the next 2-3 months.  It will be available as an upgrade to people who purchased the NC500 or NC1200 amps previously.  
We are Nord Acoustics based in the UK and have sold many Hypex NC500 amps into the states mainly to high end users.

We add our own Nord input board rather than using the standard Hypex one using discrete voltage regulators and Op Amps running in full Class A. The Op Amps are swappable and allow the user to change the sound. A little like tube rolling. This adds texture and depth and delivers a huge soundstage. 

We have one of the longest threads over 1000 pages on US Audioshark forum with many owners comparing our amps to many high end products and have amassed many euphoric feedback comments on our website.
We have even sold some here on Audiogon.

Hope you may find us of interest http://www.nordacoustics.co.uk/
Regards Colin

FIY I understand that the new Marantz PM-10 integrated is based on a nCore500 + SMPS600 monos plus their discrete preamp with linear PSU. Reviews have been great so far.
Just the thought of comparing the diminutive Atsah class D monos at 1/4 the weight and size of the pure class A Clayton monos seems like a big mismatch to me reminiscent of David vs Goliath. I suspect you were not very surprised that, in this modern rematch, the favored Goliath clearly beat the underdog David
Hello noble100, I will try and respond to your question.  First, during my direct comparison of the Acoustic Imagery and Clayton amplifiers over a prolonged period in my system, I did not attribute any performance characteristic or selection bias to the size of the two amplifiers.  In fact, the Acoustic Imagery amplifiers are well-made with very solid CNC'd aluminum casework and excellent Furutech binding posts.  They look cool and between the looks, small size, ability to remain turned-on 24/7, and quiet operation, I truly hoped they would be my last amplifiers.
Could it be that the reason the musical material that you played through your class A Cayton M300 amps sounded so good, while the same recording played through your very accurate and revealing class D Atsah sounded so poor, was due to the musical material not being as well engineered as you originally thought? In other words, Do you think your class A Clayton M300 amps are less revealing and more forgiving of bad recordings than your Atsah?
That is an interesting question.  The Class D Atsahs are revealing, but so are the Claytons.  I did not have the sense that one amplifier displayed more information than the other.  The recorded information was typically Redbook CD burned to a Mac mini and played through Channel D's Pure Music player and then later Redbook CD burned directly to the Antipodes DX.  The DAC is a Metrum Pavane.  Therefore, the material is not high sample rate DSD, or even upsampled to any great degree.  My preference is for a natural sounding presentation so even through the mini I preferred the 24-bit, 88.2 sample rate.  I do not believe the Antipodes upsamples.

I understand your implication that the Atsahs displayed the "warts and all" of poorly recorded material and thus did not sound as good as the Claytons.  I guess I never really thought about that and simply made my choice based on how the two amplifiers sounded in my system with the source I was using.  My issues with the Ncore Atsahs were related to spatial cues and not detail.  I did like listening to music through the Atsahs and particularly liked their rich tone, that not too many SS amplifiers get right IMO.