Now the parts we work with are not that expensive, but we found a way to eliminate deadtime. This allow us to switch at much higher frequencies.
Ralph, what is the approx ringing of the square wave I linked to in the 1st pic, it is the switching frequency noise
Yes dead time is another problem.
But you will still have the problem, of eradicating the switching noise completely with the output filter without ANY effect on the audio band from 20hz to 20khz. So say a 10k square wave will look like the ML’s one I linked to above, without any Stereophile external bench filters used.
BTW I wish you luck on your Class-D quest, but Technics has shown the way with limited supply of the transistors they use. In the future there maybe a good supply to everyone with hopefully 3 x the speed of switching frequency. But i suggest not to jump on the gravy train just yet, wait for the technology to catch up, or the end maybe like the ML53.
Cheers George