Hypex N core module

Did you have experience with amplifier based on Hypex - NCore Technologies  
Now the parts we work with are not that expensive, but we found a way to eliminate deadtime. This allow us to switch at much higher frequencies.
Naturally your not going to tell us how it’s done, I’m hope for you that you can do it, but also sceptical at the same time, as minds more attuned to solid state Class-D topology than yours have not succeeded, save for Technics who are half the way there.

Cheers George
FWIW the squarewave response you linked does look pretty bad. Our tube amps can do better than that!

Of course it can, any linear amp can, not just yours!

It’s very good for any Class-D without the need of special external output test filters.
Cheers George

Naturally your not going to tell us how it’s done, I’m hope for you that you can do it, but also sceptical at the same time, as minds more attuned to solid state Class-D topology than yours have not succeeded, save for Technics who are half the way there.
I'll be happy to after the patent is approved. That EE turned out useful after all...
Just an FYI, and to correct any misconceptions about us.

We used to use all the Hypex modules from the NC1200 in the VERITAS Monoblocks, down to NC500 in the Taranis. While we have a superb implementation of these modules,  based on direct comparisons done by others to the same modules in other units, we understood there was more to be had.

We will shortly be introducing our proprietary designs which takes the level of performance up an order of magnitude, and rivals any of the best of classes available. Using our proprietary ZXOL design that has no feedback loop, we are able to achieve this exceptional performance. 

We are stepping that up even more with other design and engineering techniques.

Look for us at Munich 2018 in ATRIUM 4.2 E226 where we will be showcasing this exceptional sound.

Reviewers will be getting their units in February/March. Some have the proof of concept heard it at CAF 2018 and their impressions were in the November Newsletter.

Here is a sample of what is to come.
" We will shortly be introducing our proprietary designs which takes the level of performance up an order of magnitude, and rivals any of the best of classes available. Using our proprietary ZXOL design that has no feedback loop, we are able to achieve this exceptional performance."

Hi merrillaudio,
     I'm a bit surprised you're going to cease using Hypex NCore 1200 power modules in your amps and use your own proprietary ZXOL design modules, instead.  I'm not questioning this decision but I am curious why you decided to go without a feedback loop.
     I'm not an engineer or amp designer but I have a strong interest in class D technology.  I recall reading an interview with the inventor of Hypex NCore technology, Bruno Putzeys, in which he explained why he believed there was no such thing as too much feedback in the design of his class D circuits.  
     Are you currently able to state your reasons for deciding to eliminate a feedback loop in your design?