I admit it, I get skin orgasms.

Did that get your attention? 

It seems that the topic of how therapeutic music can be and how it can involve us on another level has been discussed before with some of us describing a kind of ethereal effect on our minds and bodies, sometimes to the sound of crickets (short threads).

Well, it seems there is such a thing and most of the population can feel it when provoked, or stimulated. It's called frisson

I also wonder just how many here feel it and on how regular a basis. After reading the article I've come to the conclusion that it is addictive and is partly responsible for our obsessiveness, our tweaking, our search for better gear. It also explains a kind of refinement one goes through when seeking out particular styles of music and music reproduction and why some of us have a low tolerance for music or gear that doesn't stimulate. Why bother when deep down in we all know what we like and avoid, with prejudice, anything that interferes. 

It might also explain why some of us have developed a keener sense of hearing compared to those who can't experience what we feel: detractors may be simply unable to experience frisson. Other kinds of addiction can result in extremely acute sensory receptions to the stimuli that others can't appreciate.

If so, I hope they never develop a 12 step program for this as I can't imagine a more beautiful kind of addiction one can have with their clothes on. 
Fess up folk, who else here is addicted?

All the best,

This is only somewhat related, but I have long been aware that the number one major difference between live music and reproduced is, for me at least, the lack of "physicality" in reproduced---the lack of feeling the music physically in one's body through a home system. That is partly because live music is often much, much louder than we play it on our systems, but also because very few home systems reach low enough in frequency at high enough SPL levels to provide the physicality of live music. I'm dying to hear the Eminent Technology Rotary Woofer (response down to 1Hz!).

Then there is the probability that few recordings contain the very low frequencies responsible for that physicality. Even if they did, how many cartridges/pickup arms could follow a groove, should it even be possible to be cut into a lacquer, with frequencies that low? I am all too aware that only the tiny hairs in my ears (cochlea) are being vibrated by the sound from speakers, not my skin, and certainly not my bones.

I never thought of "goosebumps" as skin orgasms, but ok, I can be moved by music to the point of a strong emotional reaction- sometimes one that does manifest itself in physical feelings, "goosebumps" being one of them. To me, much has to do with the creation of tension and its build up and resolution. That's the drama in music that is so compelling-the composition or song, combined with the playing, rather than sonics, as such.  My description could probably be written in the same (sexual) terms you are using -- perhaps that is said in the article you linked (which I didn't read)--of gradually building tension to a crescendo/release. I suppose opera buffs and classical listeners experience this kind of involvement- jazz listeners too (though I find listening to jazz live much more compelling than recordings). For recorded music, i can get it from a well written and performed piece of rock music (though those are often "quickies").
But emotional/visceral involvement in the music and its performance to this degree is not about the sonics for me as much as it is the composition and performance itself.