I always do something stupid...

...I have a pretty nice system and it is important to me. I spend hours researching tweaking and getting it right. I spend even more time listening to it of course. I am a pretty careful and meticulous person in most things.

So...why is it that everytime I get a new piece of expensive equipment or a new cable or whatever, I always manage to do something you are not supposed to do. Like turning off the pre-amp before the power amps and getting a loud pop. Or leaving an amplifier on and unplugging the interconnect attached to it at the pre-amp. Or forgetting that the interconnects to the subwoofer are JUST long enough and trying to move the subwoofer (and thus stressing the interconnects) without unplugging them. Or SIMPLY NOT NOTICING THAT THE $!@*# VOLUME IS UP TOO HIGH BEFORE I PUSH PLAY ON THE TRANSPORT. I could go on.

Point being, I've never really screwed anything up, but it's not from lack of "rying." Is this just me? I realize I've opened myself up to cruelty on this one...
Tobias -- ouch! I'm always nervous about my equipment sliding off of the isolation devices I use. I do think that a combination of our enthusiasm to quickly finish the futzing so we can start listening again and/or other things creating a time crunch (supper) lead to these kind of things.
That is a sad story, Tobias. My heart sank when the amp started rolling. You have my hope for a happy (inexpensive) return.

There's another thread in the archives on this same topic, but I couldn't find it. Mostly had to do with with guys zapping themselves. Damn funny thread. Favorite was a member who forgot to let the caps discharge and the voltage knocked him off his chair, caused him some paralysis, too, I believe. Not that any of this is funny, except that his response was something on the order of "had I remembered if was dc I would have reversed polarity and cured myself."
I sold a Dokorder open reel recorder I once had. That was really stupid !!!!!!!!!!!
Rodman, Dgaylin, Calbrs03, many thanks. Calbrs03, will post diagnosis result.

BTW am currently using chip amp where AS-3i was; please, only use a chip amp when you have to.